


2.扬州瘦西湖导游词 英语


4.游杭州西湖英语作文 跪求啊






        West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned feature of Hangzhou,noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites.In this scenic area,Solitary Hill,the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei,the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions.The "Ten West Lake Prospects" have been specially selected to give the visitor outstanding views of the lake,mountains and monuments.


        As the saying goes, "there is heaven, there are Suzhou and hangzhou." Sue go and Hangzhou belong to the south of the city, but West Lake is the most beautiful in Hangzhou.

        We have a bright pearl in West Lake, and that is Fushun.

        West Lake is famous for its far and near, attracting many Chinese and foreign tourists,

        Spring, the willow around the West Lake quietly spit out buds, in the breeze blowing heartily show their graceful body.

        In summer, the lotus bloom inside the west. Have a bud just ready to burst like a shy, little girl. Some are in full bloom, like a graceful girl. Bring these beautiful flowers and green leaf, add a colorful color for West Lake

        The autumn leaves fluttering in the air and landed in the water, like the fish are propped up an umbrella.

        Winter, West Lake near the dream, they want to make a good dream, next year with full spirit to greet the arrival of spring.

        This is the year round of West Lake, is not the super?


        Friends, have you ever been to West Lake? If not, let me tell you how beautiful West Lake is!

        This summer vacation, I went to play in West Lake. In West Lake there are many fish. The fish's color is beautiful, there are many types of. I saw the most is the goldfish, red, orange, black, white ... ...

        West Lake water is also very beautiful. The blue water of rare, can let you distinguish where is the sky where is the. I sit on the ship in West Lake travel, I listen to the sound of water slurry aroused ... ...

        In the sun, West Lake water bright, beautiful!


        Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural center. With its famous natural beauty and cultural heritages, Hangzhou is one of China's most important tourist venues.

        The City, the southern terminus of the Grand Canal, is located on the lower reaches of the Qiantang River in southeast China, a superior position in the Yangtze Delta and only 180 kilometers from Shanghai. Hangzhou has a subtropical monsoon type climate with four quite distinct seasons. However, it is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter making it a year round destination.

        The West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned feature of Hangzhou, noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites. In this scenic area, Solitary Hill, the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei, the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions. The "Ten West Lake Prospects" have been specially selected to give the visitor outstanding views of the lake, mountains and monuments.

        A number of national museums can be found in Hangzhou and are representative of Chinese culture. Fine examples are the National Silk Museum and Tea Museum. Along with the other museums in Hangzhou, they provide a fascinating insight into the history of Chinese traditional products.

扬州瘦西湖导游词 英语


       ②West Lake


       1.苏堤春晓Spring Dawn at Su Causeway

       2.曲苑风荷Lotus Stirred by Breeze in Quyuan Garden

       3.平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake

       4.断桥残雪 Melting Snow Scene on the Broken Bridge

       5.柳浪闻莺Orioles Singing in the Willows

       6.花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Pond

       7.雷峰西照 Leifeng Pagoda Silhouette adainst the Sunset

       8.双峰插云Doubles Peaks Kissing the Sky

       9.南屏晚钟 Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill

       10.三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon


       扬州瘦西湖导游词 英语



        瘦西湖的英语表达是:Slender West Lake

        Slender West Lake is situated in the northwest suburb of YangzhouCity. It originally was a nature river course named Baozhang River.With continuous harnessing through the dynasties, it gradually became ascenic area with many enchanting lake scenes. It is located to the westof the city and is slim in its shape, so people named it Slender WestLake.


        Dating from the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD), this manmade lake has often been quoted by several poets of the period. 从唐代开始,瘦西湖就经常被诗人们吟诵了。

        Slender West Lake is 4.3 kilometers in total length with an area ofover 30 hectares. The lake boasts many famous scenic spots, such as theWhite Pagoda, the Five Pavilion Bridge, and Xiaojin Hill.The Long Dike is on the western bank of the lake, extending about one hundred meters from the entrance of the park to the Xiaojin Hill.Weeping willow trees are growing all along the dike. In the lake is anislet where Zheng Banqiao's calligraphy of couplets can be seen in a house.


扬州瘦西湖导游词 全 带

        扬州瘦西湖瘦西湖景区 现有:御码头、五亭桥、西园、 冶春园、绿杨村、卷石洞天、西园曲水、四桥烟雨、虹桥、长堤春柳、叶园、徐园、长春岭、 琴室、木樨书屋、棋室、月观、梅岭春深、湖上草堂、绿荫馆、吹台、水云胜概、莲性寺、 凫庄、五亭桥、白塔晴云、二十四桥景区等景点。在瘦西湖“L”形狭长河道的顶点上,是眺景最佳处。由历代挖湖后的泥堆积成岭,登高极目, 全湖景色尽收眼底。文人雅士看中此地,构堂叠石代有增添,至清代成为瘦西湖最引人处。有“ 湖上蓬莱”之称。近人巧取瘦西湖之“瘦”,小金山之“小”,点明扬州园林之妙在于巧“借” :借得西湖一角,堪夸其瘦;移来金山半点,何惜乎小。岭上为风亭,连同岭下的琴室、月观, 近处的吹台,远景近收,近景烘托,把整个瘦西湖景区装扮的比“借”用的原景多了许多妩媚之气。锏惧害鍦板浘


        各位游客:如果把杭州西湖比作丰满妩媚的 *** ,那么扬州瘦西湖可比作清秀切娜的少女,因为杭州西湖给人一种雍容华贵的韵味,而扬州瘦西湖却给人几分纤柔羞怯的情意。多少年来,她那独具的魅力,不仅使扬州人民喜往乐游,也使不少海内外的文人名士为之倾倒,单单一个“瘦”字,就引出许许多多诗人的佳句。早些年,邓拓游湖时,就对湖山风光赞赏不已,欣然成诗:“板桥歌吹古扬州,我作扬州三日游;瘦了西湖情更好,人天美景不胜收。”




        那是个风景优美的地方。我们先来到盆景园,里面有各式各样珍贵的花草树木,有五针松、三角梅、一品红 ……

        观赏完花木,我们就来到了湖边,只见 一泓曲水宛如锦带,如飘如拂,时放时收,较之杭州西湖,另有一种清瘦的神韵。 湖上横着几艘游船,船上有人舞着扇子在唱曲,引得游人驻足聆听。湖旁边的柳树仿佛一个个姑娘甩着长长的绿辫子,临水照影。


        沿着湖边,我看到了一个石碑,上面写着“二十四桥”。二十四桥的名字有好几种说法。有的说古时有二十四个美女,坐在二十四条船上,后来为了纪念她们就建了一座桥叫二十四桥;有的说二十四桥是指扬州的第二十四座桥 …… 不过现在的这座桥是后来造的,二十四个台阶,二十四根栏杆。

        最后,我们又来到了壮观的五亭桥,它是扬州的标志。 五亭桥上建有五座风亭,挺拔秀丽的风亭就象五朵冉冉出水的莲花,所以它又叫莲花桥。 秋风吹来,檐角的铃铛丁丁当当地响着,在这铃铛声中我们结束了南京之旅。




        1. 二十四桥 2. 五亭桥 3. 白塔 4. 徐园 5. 过小虹桥 6. 小金山 7. 钓鱼台 8. 玉板桥

        9. 过五亭桥或再往前过二十四桥 10. 原路返回,出西大门


        各位游客:如果把杭州西湖比作丰满妩媚的 *** ,那么扬州瘦西湖可比作清秀切娜的少女,因为杭州西湖给人一种雍容华贵的韵味,而扬州瘦西湖却给人几分纤柔羞怯的情意。多少年来,她那独具的魅力,不仅使扬州人民喜往乐游,也使不少海内外的文人名士为之倾倒,单单一个“瘦”字,就引出许许多多诗人的佳句。早些年,邓拓游湖时,就对湖山风光赞赏不已,欣然成诗:“板桥歌吹古扬州,我作扬州三日游;瘦了西湖情更好,人天美景不胜收。” 名称来历—大虹桥—南门









        至蜀岗下,我弃舟蹬岸。再回首,只见那山水环抱绿树连荫之中,瘦西湖恰似一条飞舞的彩绸环绕在湖光山色之中,以小巧精瘦与杭州西湖媲美。郁达夫说:“瘦西湖的好处,全在水树交映,与游程的曲折。”此言虽有画龙点睛之妙,但也难免以偏盖全之嫌。倘若当日郁达夫不为船娘“臀部腰部的曲线”所吸引,在品位湖光水色的同时,到岸上走一走,就会发现,那里不仅有杭州西湖的柔美,更有北方园林粗旷自然的豪气。不信你从南门往里走,单凭长堤翠柳那依山携水桃花怒放的一路春色,就会让你拍案叫绝,更不用说那“北平 *** 的气象”了!其实,我比郁达夫幸运,他只是在秋天看瘦西湖。而我在春天,不仅看到了“散浮在水面的红蓼青萍”,而且看到了瘦西湖的烟雨朦胧。7ZyFmA



        这些都是瘦西湖里面的景点 相隔也不是很远 如果走着玩的话 估计一个小时不到就完了




        瘦西湖(Slender West Lake)原名保障湖,位于江苏省扬州市城西北郊,总面积2000亩,水上面积700亩,游览区面积100公顷。






        沿四望亭路走 然后拐向柳湖路 就到瘦西湖南大门 靠着扬州师范学院

游杭州西湖英语作文 跪求啊


       I've heard about the beauty of the West Lake for a long time, but I didn't have a chance to see it.

       But during the winter vacation and Spring Festival this year, my parents and I went to my aunt's house in Shaoxing to pay New Year's greetings.

       My aunt and uncle drove us to Hangzhou to see the West Lake.Looking at the West Lake from a distance, it looks like a mirror.

       Under the sunshine, the lake water glitters like little stars in the sky. There are some mountains around the West Lake.

       Probably many trees have been planted. The mountains look emerald green.

       Approaching the West Lake, the lake water is clear and transparent, and even the stones under the water can be seen.

       There are some fish, wild ducks and turtles in the water. They swim around in the water and live very freely.





       Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural center. With its famous natural beauty and cultural heritages, Hangzhou is one of China's most important tourist venues.

       The City, the southern terminus of the Grand Canal, is located on the lower reaches of the Qiantang River in southeast China, a superior position in the Yangtze Delta and only 180 kilometers from Shanghai. Hangzhou has a subtropical monsoon type climate with four quite distinct seasons. However, it is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter making it a year round destination.

       The West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned feature of Hangzhou, noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites. In this scenic area, Solitary Hill, the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei, the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions. The "Ten West Lake Prospects" have been specially selected to give the visitor outstanding views of the lake, mountains and monuments.

       A number of national museums can be found in Hangzhou and are representative of Chinese culture. Fine examples are the National Silk Museum and Tea Museum. Along with the other museums in Hangzhou, they provide a fascinating insight into the history of Chinese traditional products.



        Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political, economic and cultural center. The West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned feature of Hangzhou, noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites. In this scenic area, Solitary Hill, the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei, the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple are probably the most frequently visited attractions. The "Ten West Lake Prospects" have been specially selected to give the visitor outstanding views of the lake, mountains and monuments.

        A number of national museums can be found in Hangzhou and are representative of Chinese culture. Fine examples are the National Silk Museum and Tea Museum. Along with the other museums in Hangzhou, they provide a fascinating insight into the history of Chinese traditional products.




       西湖的意思:West Lake


       1、barrier lake?堰塞湖

       2、deep lake 深湖

       3、dry lake 干涸的湖




       Lake 读法? 英?[le?k]?美?[le?k]?






       lake, pond, pool这组词的共同意思是“湖”“池塘”“水坑”。其区别在于:



       杭州西湖导游词英语 范文 1: Dear visitors, good morning, everyone, my name is Zhu Minjia, you can call me zhu guide. Welcome to "the paradise on earth" - the west lake. We will open the way to the west lake tour, we will go to visit butte, middle-east and three pool reflected on. Wish everyone have a happy travel! Please don't throw the skin rubbish, painting of the scribble.

        The west lake is so beautiful, of course, there are many wonderful legends. From many years ago, the sky has a jade dragon and jinfeng, they found on the island which beside the Milky Way a piece of jade, they peck together for many years, jade becomes a radiant orb, the orb of light shine where, where trees are evergreen, flowers are blooming. Then news to the heavenly palace, the heavenly queen sent mountain god snatch like treasure in the future. Yulong jinfeng and hurried to SuoZhu, met her mother refused, then scramble up. Heavenly queen down, with a loose, jade fell, became a Jin Ying west lake, the yulong jinfeng and becomes a feng huang mountain and YuHuangShan, protect the west lake.

        Everybody look east, that is the broken bridge! It is one of the most famous bridge in the west lake. It is very interesting: the broken bridge is in the north of lake and lake water. When snow attendance, the positive aspect has deglaciation snow bridge, and the shadow of the bridge still snowy, distance, bridge seems broken broken, hence the name "broken bridge".

        You now, please look forward, this is the "three pools reflected on", also called "small ying state". This is a "lake island, island in lake" garden on the lake. Island is "tian" glyph, something even the willows, the civil building winding and winding side and planted with large red, white and colorful.

        Then please island tour. See: three towers stand on the lake, 2 meters high tower, the towers are spherical, lined with five small round hole, the top of the tower a gourd shape, beautiful modelling. Whenever the Mid-Autumn festival, bright, people light candles in the tower, along the mouth with tissue paper, candle light outside. At this time, the "shadow, shadow, cloud" dissolved into a slice. Candlelight, moonlight, hand in photograph reflect lake, in the refraction of light, the lights of the three towers through 15 round hole projection on the surface of the water, with a total of 30 small moon, plus one in the sky, a lake, there are 32 small moon, present "the day round last month, the lake shadow into three" the beauty of the scenery, is: "one lake autumn the goldwater to dissolve"!

        We go forward, the edge of the west lake and a famous mountains - butte! Why the name "isolated hill"? This is because the mountain is very beautiful in history, has been held by the emperor, so called "isolated hill".

        The west lake is a poem, a picture of a lovely girl. "Yi jiangnan, is the most beautiful hangzhou. Find out the laurel blossoms filled the air. Yamadera months, county pavilion pillow watching tide. When more revisit?" This is the bai juyi to extol the west lake left posterity recall boundless song!

        My dear friends, we is nearing the end of the trip to the west lake, and hope to make the west lake in the mountains and rivers, the fond memories of you forever!


        Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, you can call me zheng guide, welcome to the 2200 - year - old hangzhou play. People often say: "above there is heaven, there are suzhou and hangzhou." Hangzhou scenery especially beautiful, especially the west lake. Today, I will take you to the west lake to play well.

        Southwest of the west lake is located in hangzhou city, zhejiang province, with its beautiful lakes and mountains and numerous scenic spots and historical sites and the world-famous. Xihu ten scenery, have broken bridge cx, world sunsets, pinghu harvest moon, flower view fish, just, and so on.

        We first came to the broken bridge cx. It is located in the east side of bai causeway, why do you want to call the broken bridge cx? Because every time the snow attendance, sunrise, middle-east Japanese, bridge deck snow melt, show brown bridge deck a mark, like long white chain to the interrupted, so in order to "cx" name.

        Broken bridge cx view on the end of the flower is the fish, the pond there are thousands of red crucian carp, very good-looking. You look! Some fish could not hide to hide, to hide a while, and for a while and see other fish movement, like the hide and seek! Some fish swimming around, like a patrol in the pool, to protect the security of the people. There are fish in search of food, like not so hungry. You can buy some fish food thrown into the pond. The fish immediately rushed forward, scrambling to grab the fish food. Here and there a bunch of, on the surface of the formation of the spectacular sight.

        The beauty of the west lake said also said not over, you can go to taste slowly appreciate, two hours after collection here. Everybody to pay attention to safety in the process of play, do not litter, graffito of the scribble don't, don't damage the beauty of the "heaven on earth"!


        Dear visitors, today I'll guide you swim and get a glimpse of the west lake and moving scenery!

        Look, is the legendary "broken bridge", not far in front of the legendary xu xian and the white niang son is on the broken bridge for life! Everyone looked ahead from the bridge, can see both coasts. It is said that this is the place where method customs pressure the white niang son. Finally by the villagers will take both coasts of brick, makes the white niang son who escape the clutches of sea.

        Our next stop, is the place where Lin biao armed uprising. It has two names, one is 704, built in 1970 in April. Another name is 579, and the armed uprising is harmonics. People usually call it 704. You can now go in and see their works. Of course, the so-called uprising was a failure.

        Now, we are standing in a the foot of the mountain. The mountains have a well. Is said to be emperor qianlong came to this mountain, very tired, just use it well after washing a face wash feet, feel refreshed, the well water. From the later, the well is as much a mystery. It is said that after washing with the well bonanza, wedding, good a lot. Interested friends can have a try, can guarantee that you later day across the fire! However, water can not be erased at yo, it is better to let it dry naturally. Otherwise, your finances so will erase!

        Today I give everybody introduction here, looking for a walk, please! In addition to your joy, laughter and footprints, what all don't leave! Thank you to the west lake, west lake always welcome you!

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